We left day 2 with blurry eyes, sore feet, and big smiles. With Tahitians pearls checked off the shopping list, we switched focus to South Sea baroques and more freshwater pearls. First up we found a small lot of intense blue South Sea pearls. After a bit of negotiating, I was able to grab a handful of the very best ones. I'm not sure what we're planning to do with them, but we'll figure that out back at the office.

While not on the official shopping list, Alana wouldn't let me pass on some super intense blue Akoya pearls. I gently reminded her that I don't even carry them as a regular item, but when she's right she's right, so in the bag they went.

Hoping to avoid anymore impulse buys we headed straight for Heng Mei's booth to start hunting for some truly unique freshwater pearls. It may seem glamorous to buy pearls, however the truth is, it takes many hours of picking through thousands and thousands of pearls to find the one of a kind.

With the bead-nucleated freshwater pearls picked over and in the bag we moved on to free form baroque freshwaters. What these little pearls lack in size they make up for in color. Some of these nuggets look positively electric.

So there you have it, day 2 in a nutshell. Stay tuned for day 3...