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Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Show 2013 - Day 4

Day 4, and I gave Alana the day off, so I was on my own. First stop was the Angeperle to sort through loose strands looking for the ever elusive metallic strands. Conservatively I'd say I looked through several thousand strands, but was able to find some great pieces, including some awesome dropped shaped white metallics.

strands of pearls in different colorsa close up of a few strandsstrands of pearls with metallic lusterlight to dark colored pearl strandspearls with beautiful metallic lusterpearl strands with light gold colorsmore pearl strands in a light gold colorrows of beautiful metallic pearlsmetallics seen through another anglea wonderful batch of metallic pearlsstrands of metallic pearls

With every strand in stock looked over, I sat myself down in front of a bucket of high grade 7.5-8.5mm drops. The owner of Angeperle told me this bucket represented the very best drops collected over the last 12 months. While they were all very nice, I spent the next 3 hours hand selecting only the finest pairs. At one point even the staff of Angeperle gathered around to drool over the pairs and started taking photos to send to friends. A lot of work, but they're truly one of kind pieces and well worth my efforts.

a bucket of drop-shaped pearlsmulticolored drop pearlsbeautiful dark gold drop pearlsa pile of handpicked pearlsa close up of a pair of drop pearlsa row of stunning pearlspairs of matched drop pearlsa closer look at the matched pairsa matched pair of drop shaped pearlsthree row of matched pearl dropsdrop pearls with gorgeous lusterdifferent colored drop pearlshandpicked and matched drop pearlsanother pile of metallic drop pearlsfront view of the drop pearlstop view of the matched pearlsdrop pearls in different colors and sizescompleted strands of matched pearlspacking the pearlsreviewing the pearlswith Angeperle staff

After I matched the drop pairs it was time for a break, then over to Grace pearl to sort through some large baroque bead-nucleated strands.

trays of bead-nucleated pearls from Grace Pearl

After sorting though a couple hundred strands, I found a few brilliant white strands ranging from 11-12mm, and a few HUGE strands ranging from 14-17mm - definitely not for the faint of heart.

strands of big, white pearls from Grace Pearla close up of the huge, white pearlsanother view of the white pearlsGrace Pearls' brilliant white pearlsbeautiful luster on the white pearlscoiled strands of the white pearlscloser look at the pearls from Grace Pearlsrows of beautiful white pearlsmagnified view of the pearlsa pile of big, white pearls

11-15mm dark natural color

a pair of dark colored pearl strandscloser view of the dark pearlsmagnified view of the strandsstunning pearls in dark colorsdark colored pearls in different hues

11-12mm multi color and peach

clumped strands of multicolored and peach pearlscloser view of the pearlspeach and multicolored pearl strandspearls ranging from peach to multicoloredchecking for pearl informationmagnified image of the peach and multicolored pearlspeach and multicolored pearlsdark to light colored pearls

And that wraps up day 4 of the show, just one more to go and we can finally get some rest.

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